The life of Sultan Abdulhamid II
The life of Sultan Abdulhamid II
Early bird special, price will go up to $149 on January 25th
Instructor: Dr. Yakoob Ahmed
January 11 - March 8, Saturdays 10 AM - 12 PM US Eastern Standard Time
Course summary:
Sultan Abdulhamid II, known as the pious Sultan, is one of the most popular Sultans ever studied in Ottoman History, yet equally one of the most controversial of the late period. The enigmatic Sultan was in power for 33 years, making him one of the longest-ruling Sultans in Ottoman history. The Sultan is known for re-emphasising the state's policies on Islam, safeguarding the border areas of the Ottoman Empire and projecting the idea of the Caliphate internally and globally. During the Sultan’s reign, the notion of constitutionalism came to fruition, leading discussions on modern Islamic governance, and the emergence of a host of intellectual ideas from Western Europe came to the fore. Sultan Abdulhamid II came to power in somewhat controversial circumstances and was removed from power for an even more controversial reason – via revolution. There is still much to learn about the Sultan and his period. This course will examine all the critical areas of Sultan Abdulhamid II and his reign, attempting to answer just some of the key questions mentioned above.
Course schedule:
The life of Sultan Abdulhamid II |
Saturdays 10 AM - 12 PM EST US Eastern Standard Time | ||
Week 1 |
January 11 |
The historiography regarding Sultan Abdulhamid II |
Week 2 |
January 18 |
The Early Years of the Sultan |
Week 3 |
January 25 |
Young Ottomans and Young Turks |
Week 4 |
February 1 |
Foreign policy |
Week 5 |
-- |
Week 6 |
February 15 |
Educational policies – New schools and Madressa education |
Week 7 |
February 22 |
So-called Pan-Islamism |
Week 8 |
March 1 |
The Arab provinces |
Week 9 |
March 8 |
The Loss of Power |
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